Private Pilot Ground School
At the last Board of Directors meeting we decided the dates for Private Pilot Ground School. It starts on Tuesday April 5 and goes every Tuesday 6-9 pm for 12 weeks until June 21st. There will be a practice exam at the end to get you ready for the real FAA exam. You must pass the practice exam with a score of 85 or better to obtain an instructor sign-off to take the FAA Private Pilot exam. Format will be the same as last fall 3 hours with a 15 minute break in the middle. Texts will be the Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK), FAA-H-8083-25B and the Airplane Flying Handbook (AFH), FAA-H-8083-3B. Both are available for download on or you can purchase a hard copy from Sporty’s Pilot Shop. There will be other reading material which will in the syllabus. You also may want to purchase an electronic E6B calculator for $69.95 or an old fashion “wiz wheel” E6B for $44.95. These are available at or other aviation supply shops. Fee is $250 for Academy Members and $350 for nonmembers. Number of students will be limited to 12 students with Academy members given first choice. Sign up on the Eastern Slope Aviation Academy website.
Grumman Restoration Project
The Grumman project starts Saturday February 26th at 8:45 AM. Meet at the ESAvAc Classroom for an introduction, safety protocol and outline of the project. We’ll walk to the hangar and begin by removing inspection covers from the aircraft in order to determine the scope of work, priority items and teams to work on various tasks. We will be video documenting the work and post progress on social media. The project will be overseen by Ben Mosher of Mosher Aviation, AP/IA and board member Glenn Mori, who is resorting his own Grumman, will be our project manager. Participation is limited to ESAvAc members. There is not charge for Academy members attending the workshop. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU’LL BE ATTENDING.
Annual Aviation Day
Annual Aviation Day will be held Saturday July 2nd with Sunday July 3rd the rain date. Save the date and stay tuned for details.
That’s it for now.
Ed Bergeron, President